First, however, in honor of it being President's Day, I must channel my inner George Washington and admit that I chopped down the cherry tree. I've heard that may not even be true, but I'm using the analogy anyway.
Without being too enigmatic, I'm trying to say that I told a lie. I didn't mean to. Blogger made me do it., I swear! I told you in my last post it was number 100, but it wasn't. I didn't look closely enough and Blogger combined my drafts and my published posts, which equaled 100. I'm actually only on number 90. My bad. I'm sorry and I'm sure you forgive me and could care less. Moving on...
I talk a lot on this blog about myself. Okay, fairly incessantly. Okay, incessantly. Don't get me wrong. Other people are important to my daily life and I need them to exist - like my husband, my kids, my mom, my dogs. Today, I want to introduce you to my husband because he's honestly the most awesome man... ever.
Hands off. He's mine. Finders, keepers. Losers, weepers. Wah, wah, wah. I got him and you didn't. Phhhhht! So there. He's awesome, I tell you. He not only has provided me with a good life and works very hard as a Union Boilermaker, I can give you a long list of his awesomeness.
- He let me quit working to take care of him, the kids, the house, and all things he cannot accomplish whilst working insane hours. He works so hard, I feel bad that he has to do anything at home. But alas, I cannot cook. Therefore:
- He cooks. If he were not a Boilermaker, he'd be a chef, and a good one. He loves to cook and does so unless he is super exhausted. Then we eat microwaved boxed food that I cook. Or spaghetti, which is a meal I manage to cook and not make fire alarms sound.
- He has hobbies he's passionate about, like beekeeping and raising sheep. He supports my hobbies as well.
- He's artistic. He paints. He draws. He sings. He plays guitar. He writes. He even juggles, like throwing it behind his back and over his head and under his leg and crap. He's good!
- And my favorite... he carves. Just look at these beautiful pieces he's done...
Last but not least, he's just hot! I love him more than words can say. We're perfect for each other. Our strengths complement each other and so do our weaknesses. We learn from each other. We're a rock for each other. He's my spiritual rock. We rock as a couple. It will be ten years this summer and we are still happy as clams together, however happy that is ??? I hope they're happy. Hmmm. Suddenly, I wonder how happy clams really are... note to self: investigate the validity of clam happiness.
We're goofy together, smart together, stupid together, and committed to each other fully. We trust each other and support each other. He's my biggest fan and he doesn't have to read my work very often to believe in it completely. He tells me every day how much he loves me and how wonderful I am. That right there covers a multitude of sins.
We met on a blind date. It wasn't our date. You see, he... oh, never mind. I'll tell you all about it on our ten year anniversary this summer. It's a cute story :0)
Everybody, meet my husband, Neil Brown.
Now, tell me in the comments a little bit about what's so great about your mate!