I received the Versatile Blogger Award from Cindy Dwyer at A Reason to Write. Cindy is a kindred spirit who hates spiders and loves cheesecake. Holla! Thank you, Cindy! It's the first time I've received that particular award.
Then, just days later, I received the Kreativ Blogger Award from Trisha Faye at Trisha Faye - So many books... so little time. Trisha had given me a shout-out previously during her A-Z challenge as one of the blogs that made her laugh, bestowing me with the letter M for Moment of Laughter. I was so honored then and am just as honored now to be recognized by her. Trisha, I thank you with all of my heart!
Just when I couldn't have been more shocked already, I got the notification from Melody Lowes at Meanwhile, Melody Muses that she was giving me the Sunshine Award. I had not received that one yet either. I literally blushed when I read the message. I just couldn't believe it and have such gratitude for the kind words and nominations. By the way, Melody, what on earth is Rhubarb Punch? I hate to say it, but it sounds awful. But since you answer in your questions that it's your favorite, I'll trust that it's good.
Since I already won the Kreativ, I won't do the whole thing with that. I will do the rules (loosely) the first time I receive an award and then I will thank-n-link after that. But, since I am obligated to tell all of you seven things about myself as part of the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award, here we go! Cool! I love lists...
- I love lists. Wait, I already said that. Oh well, I'm counting it.
- I am typing this like a slovenly man, with my pants unbuttoned and unzipped - to let my fat breathe. I know, I said in another post that I wasn't a slovenly man, but I have my moments.
- I am fairly certain I will turn into a Larry the Cable Guy joke - the grandma with the walking farts. I think this because I seem to get more flatulent the older I get and I'm sure there will be less and less control as I approach granny stage.
- I think of funny Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, or blog subject matter and laugh to myself about it out loud in public places. People look at me like I'm crazy. They could be right.
- I lean more toward hoarder than neat freak, but if you give me 24 hours notice before you come over, you would never know it. By the way, the rule is 48 hours for in-laws and other parental units.
- I recently joined a church where I am the minority. I don't think they've realized I'm white yet. (Don't get your panties in a bunch over that comment either - we all love each other and kid about it - they get my humor, thank you, LORD! :) I've never felt so loved and accepted anywhere.
- My dream is to make enough money writing that I can hire a personal assistant to do all of the things I don't want to do so that I can write more - like housekeeping, accounting, cooking, brushing my teeth... okay, I will probably still have to do that last one myself.
Now, to nominate 15 blogs (recipients, link-n-thank, put up badge on your site, tell seven facts about yourself, nominate fifteen blogs & notify them). Fifteen! Fifteen? Thankfully, there are no "under 200 followers" rules or anything like that and my reading list is quite diverse, so here we go (another list of my favorite peeps - yay!):
- Jeannine Bergers Everett - mobyjoe cafe
- Rachel Thompson - Rachel in the OC
- Gabe Berman - The Fruit Fly Strikes Back
- Louise Gallagher - A Year of Making a Difference
- Michelle - Motley News
- Beverly Diehl - Writing in Flow
- Cara Lopez Lee - They Only Eat Their Husbands
- Lynne Favreau - Lynne Favreau
- Claire McAlpine - Word by Word
- Becky Green Aaronson - The Art of an Improbable Life
- Karen Anderson - Before & After
- Judy - Life... Minute by Minute
- Jodi Aman - Heal Now and Forever
- The Girlfriend Mom
- Claudette J. Young - Claudsy's Blog
For the Sunshine Award, I have to answer the following questions, which is easy. Let's do this thang!
Favorite number: Three. Don't know why, but it just is.
Favorite Non-alcoholic drink: Very cold root beer.
Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. Rachel Thompson, sorry, but I am still a bit of a Twitter idiot. Although, I am learning.
My Passion: Writing, no doubt about it. I have an upcoming post scheduled already about that very thing.
Favorite pattern: Sleep patterns. Especially that deep sleep stage, which I rarely achieve.
Favorite Flower: Ones that take care of themselves. I like Peonies, or as my girls call them, "Panties."
Now, I must nominate 10 people for the Sunshine Award (Recipients, if you haven't received this award, link-n-thank, put up badge on your site, answer the questions, nominate ten blogs and notify them). Please note, I get my sunshine in a lot of ways, so like I've said before, these are quite diverse! I like to highlight writers who deserve a nod, even if they are not necessarily in a genre I read. I am shouting out to several of my tribe members (imagine tribal drums in the jungle announcing your arrival) as well. So much talent out there!
Oh my gosh, I actually did it! And believe it or not, I have people left over to honor. Be on the lookout! You could be next. One thing about being connected to a writer is that you never know when you might be highlighted! Be on your best behavior, now ;0)
- Suzannah at Write It Sideways - Writing advice from a fresh perspective
- Mike at Perception is Reality Corner
- Will Pep at Low Budget Dreamer
- Mumchic - Mumchic
- Peter Kevin Connell - Today in Heritage History
- Constance Wallace - Legends of Green Isle
- Ruth Hill - My Devotional Thoughts
- Veronica Scott - Wreck of the Nebula Dream
- Elle Amberly - Lost in Your Time
- Tricia & Siana (team bloggers) - 2 Girls on a Bench
I was also tagged in My Really, Real Reality and answered 10 questions about myself in the comments, if you care to see my musings there.
Oh my gosh, I actually did it! And believe it or not, I have people left over to honor. Be on the lookout! You could be next. One thing about being connected to a writer is that you never know when you might be highlighted! Be on your best behavior, now ;0)