Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello, 2013!

Hello to the new year! I hope all of you had plenty of time to enjoy sitting around in your Everyday Underwear enjoying your Christmas vacation and New Year's festivities and everyone had a safe and happy holiday season. I did!

Some writing excitement for the holiday season was being chosen as a finalist in a contest put on by Firepole Marketing, "Awseome Engagement Strategies" in which I was one of fifteen finalists chosen to receive a chance at cash and sessions with Danny Iny. It kind of feels pretty rockin'!

My chances at winning are based on folks reading, sharing, commenting, etc. so I'm asking for your engagement here. If you have a blog or small business with an online presence, you could benefit from some of my suggestions. Please read my post, being featured today. The next five days' engagement results determine the winners. It's a fun piece with some good tips, especially for newbie bloggers.

Will You Marry Me?

To start 2013 on my blog, I want to share with you my top humorous post from last year. It was from another contest. I didn't win, but obviously, the exposure I received was monumental. Contests can do more than just make you a winner. They can make you contenders in other arenas.

Do You, Would You, Could You Pee in the Shower?

So, do I? Sorry, you've gotta read to find out!

I have been so happy to know you all and call you my online peers and friends this past year. I wish every one of you the best 2013 and continued success. Thank you for reading my little blog. It's not over yet. Oh, no... it is soooo not over ;0)

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year, Cindy. I look forward to continued enjoyment in reading your blog. :)

  3. Congrats Cindy - I left the comment on your post!

  4. Happy New Year to you ... and everybody around you.

  5. happy new year

  6. Great post, Cindy. Hope you did well. I see it prompted a lot of comments, sorry mine wasn't one of them. I missed your window because apparently the flu shot I got was a placebo. :(

  7. Thank you, Cindy. I'm sorry you got the flu! Nasty buggers...
